alessandra di montezemolo

Individual analysis and therapy, Supervision, Group Explorations | Available In Paris and online

Clinical Psychologist and Psychoanalyst -Training Analyst and Supervisor, CG Jung Institute Zurich

Member of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP)


Italian citizen, but born in Madrid, I lived in six different countries and I speak fluently English, French, Spanish, and Italian. After graduating in clinical psychology in Rome I continued my studies with a Freudian training, and later, became a Jungian analyst in Zurich. Besides psychoanalysis, I have many years of experience in global companies and acquired deep insights into corporate life and its conflicts.

In the 80s, I participated in a two-year, clinical research for the Italian Ministry of Health, focusing on the psychological relevance of play for hospitalized children. From September 2017 until December 2023, I created and developed Stillpoint Spaces Paris, exploring psychology in-depth, inside and outside the consulting room,  valuing the importance of the unconscious and the collective unconscious within our contemporary society.


”As you set out on the way to Ithaca hope that the road is a long one, filled with adventures, filled with understanding. The Laestrygonians and the Cyclopes, Poseidon in his anger: do not fear them, you’ll never come across them on your way as long as your mind stays aloft, and a choice emotion touches your spirit and your body. The Laestrygonians and the Cyclopes, savage Poseidon; you’ll not encounter them unless you carry them within your soul, unless your soul sets them up before you.
Hope that the road is a long one. Many may the summer mornings be when—with what pleasure, with what joy— you first put in to harbors new to your eyes; may you stop at Phoenician trading posts and there acquire fine goods: mother-of-pearl and coral, amber and ebony, and heady perfumes of every kind: as many heady perfumes as you can. To many Egyptian cities may you go so you may learn, and go on learning, from their sages. Always keep Ithaca in your mind; to reach her is your destiny. But do not rush your journey in the least. Better that it last for many years; that you drop anchor at the island an old man, rich with all you’ve gotten on the way, not expecting Ithaca to make you rich. Ithaca gave to you the beautiful journey; without her you’d not have set upon the road. But she has nothing left to give you anymore. And if you find her poor, Ithaca did not deceive you. As wise as you’ll have become, with so much experience, you’ll have understood, by then, what these Ithacas mean.”

Kostantin Kavafis
Translated by Daniel Mendelsohn


With a background of multiple years in both Freudian and Jungian psychoanalysis, in addition to extensive experience in global business, I try to provide a unique perspective to the analytical process. My clinical experience, coupled with a multicultural approach, facilitates the personal analytical journey, as well as supervision work, and enables psychological explorations in groups. Always within a protected and safe container.

analytical experience

Each human being is unique and therefore the analytical experience is always different, and specific for each person. It is the search for a sense of authentic self-integrity and of one’s own purpose in life (what C.G. Jung calls the “individuation process”) that guides the analytical relationship.



Individual and Group Supervision of an analytical process requires having a deep respect for the unique relationship between the analyst and his analysand. The analysand himself is not with us in the  session, and therefore supervision is about what the analyst brings about the relationship with his/her analysand

group explorations

We live in very troubled and difficult times. We are often left on or own, exposed to overwhelming undifferentiated information and images and we can feel a sense of disorientation, helplessness, hopelessness.. What we offer is a protected virtual space, to explore openly, but safely and together, some of the most difficult issues and emotions we are facing collectively.


latest publications

Italian Women Volleyball Team Wins Gold Olympic Medal

Volleyball as a Metaphor for Group as Therapy?

Can AI replace the emotions and feelings of a real human relationship?